Resolution of the French National Assembly on mirror measures (2.2.2024)

On February 2nd, a cross-party resolution proposal was submitted by 70 Members of Parliament on mirror measures.

At the heart of the French and European agricultural crisis, mirror measures appear essential to uphold the objectives of the Green Deal's farming and food aspect and combat unfair competition due to differences in standards between countries outside the EU.

This proposal, supported by 70 MPs from 7 political groups (Socialists, Communists, Greens, LIOT, Modem and Independents, Renaissance, and Horizons), marks a new victory in the cultural battle over mirror measures. It urges the Government to pressure the European Commission to implement the principle of standards reciprocity between the EU and its partner countries.

It notably requests:

  • The immediate removal of import tolerances on MRLs (Maximum Residue Limits) for all substances banned in the EU and to lower MRLs to the detection threshold;

  • Reversal of the burden of proof for economic operators importing into the EU;

  • Application of a reciprocity principle to ban exports of plant protection products prohibited in the EU;

  • Defence to the Commission for the effective implementation and monitoring of existing mirror measures: for example, to adopt delegated acts implementing the import ban on meat from animals treated with growth-promoting antibiotics or to follow up and implement the recommendations of audits conducted by the DG Health in third countries;

  • Encouragement of a process of harmonization in the implementation of environmental standards among EU member countries;

  • Study of the possibility of recourse to country of origin labelling.

This issue must become a key element of the next European cycle to deepen the implementation of the European Green Deal. Adoption of such a resolution during the European elections campaign should encourage the French Government to influence the European agenda in this direction.

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