Statements in favour of mirror measures by Agriculture Commissioner Christophe Hansen
Written by Stéphanie Kpenou on .
The Commissioner for Agriculture has made several statements in favour of mirror measures
At his hearing as Commissioner-designate on November 4, 2024, Christophe Hansen stressed the need to work on the issue of reciprocity of production standards. In particular, he stated that : “One of the main concerns expressed by our farmers during their protests was that we hold our own producers to higher standards than non-EU producers. This can also lead to social, environmental and production leakage to other parts of the world and I believe we have to avoid that. If confirmed as Commissioner, I will work with my future colleagues to address these issues and see how to ensure the application of our standards by any imports in compliance with the WTO rules”.
In an interview with a German media outlet on January 15, 2025, the Commissioner recalled the difference in standards for pesticide use between the EU and third countries and the fact that the EU continues to import foodstuffs containing pesticide residues banned in the EU. He reaffirms his determination to take action on this issue.
Commissioner Hansen spoke also at a meeting of the Irish Farmers' Association on January 23, 2025, which challenged him on the need for reciprocity in food trade and a relaxation of environmental rules. “This is something that farmers don't understand (...) and consumers don't understand either, and we need to be bolder on this,” he added.
At a press conference on January 27, 2025, Christophe Hansen said he wanted to go further on maximum residue limits for pesticides. “We have banned certain products in the European Union, whereas they can be used elsewhere in the world. If we can't reach agreements at FAO or Codex level, if our farmers lose part of their crops when they don't use these products, and if there are still too many residues, then competition is no longer fair. We have to take this seriously (...) It won't be easy,” stressed Christophe Hansen. “We'll have to discuss it with the competent commissioners and develop a proposal. We also have to talk about the control of maximum residue limits and make sure that it is carried out correctly”.